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Messages - MSea

Pages: 1 ... 370 371 [372] 373
Put it back into the far reaches of the darkest cupboard --- PLEASE.

I blame you Kevin - you started by talking about mankinis - now look at what we have seen !!!!!

Well on with the shrouds and ratlines ( the shrouds are part of the standing rigging and hold up the mast - ratlines are the bits that go across and you use them like rungs on a ladder - as you can see from the photo 3 the shrouds are thicker than the ratlines ) have tried thin electrical wire to get the droop in the ratlines but it didn't work very well and they looked wrong - so back to thread. The jig was very simple to make, but gets the same size each time.

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Hi Kev would you like me to take photos and put them on the site each month ????
I might have to put 1 or 2 into mankinies - just for the fun of it !!!!

Hi Haddock according to my research she was built at the Vulcan shipyard in Germany and completed in 1885. Carried 4x 305mm BL guns and displaced 7430t.
Model will be as built, not as she was during Sino-Japanese war 1894-95  (lots more yards and ships boats and bits and bobs to detail her with.)
Captured by the Japanese and renames "Chin Yen" re-armed with 4x12inch guns and served during the Russo-Japanes war 1904-05. Removed from effective list in 1910 and served as a training ship for pilots untill scrapped 1914.

The first  photo shows the original  home made brass mast with solid brass bar for the yards and everything soldered together. The second shows the improved Haddock method with brass tube for the yards and 2 sections of chain link for the pulley blocks.
The hardest part of both types it drilling the main part of the mast to tke the gaff at an angle of about 45degrees, I could just solder but as you know I am a "ham fisted sort of modeler" and I am sure they would be knocked off during construction - so drill and solder for strength.

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After sorting out the rules for the comp with Kevin - have decided to try and finish the model of the "Chen Yuen." This was put on hold after Haddock showed me how to make an improved mast system for the ship. Just think how happy I used to be  bashing bits of plastic and brass then  fastening rigging to any old bits and bobs - before Haddock showed me the error of my ways.
So if the other project don't progress as quickly as they should (I don't work as fast as Zak) please excuse the slight delay.

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No close-ups -- you then see how bad it is.

Modelling Projects / Re: HMS Montrose
« on: July 07, 2015, 03:59:18 PM »
I wish I could "chuck it together" and "slosh some paint on" like you can !!!!

I forgot the photo - like I said the brain is not working very well at the moment -- even more so than normal (its that word normal again )

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A coat of grey makes it look more like a ship !!

Well thats the 2 mast in place.

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Modelling Projects / Re: Martins Minions
« on: July 06, 2015, 02:34:17 PM »
I will pay 2washers, one button and a bit of fluff -- is that enough ????

Modelling Projects / Re: Plastic meets cardboard
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:24:40 PM »
Hi Oli I don't think I could make as good a tank from a plastic kit  --  excellent work.

Modelling Projects / Re: Martins Minions
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:22:25 PM »
I accept your surrender - the photo will not be shown (unless somebody offers a good price !!!)

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